Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0500 Newspaper Report Writing: Usage of Idioms/Phrases

 Hey Again!

Apologies for being away for a while. Haven't been quite well on the health front. 

But slowly getting back on track as it's exam time and I don't wish to slack any further. 

I am back with another post on News Reports for Cambridge IGCSE 0500 First Language English.

It's time to burn the midnight oil as IGCSE FLE 0500 exams are nearing.  Students must beat the clock and not leave exam preparation at the eleventh hour. To make those exams a walk in the park, you must make headway to be successful during exams. So, pull your socks up to get an A* on Cambridge IGCSE FLE 0500, and do not turn a blind eye to newspaper idioms as they might be able to offer a helping hand to you in your report writing. 

Hahaha! Do not start scratching your head. I mean not literally. I will explain  below the meanings of the idioms and phrases highlighted in bold above:

1. Burn the midnight oil: Work very hard towards something

2. Beat the clock: Perform a task or activity quickly

3. At the eleventh hour: At the last minute

4. A walk in the park: Task that is easy to complete

5. Make Headway: Making progress or improving

6. Pull your socks up: Improving one's performance or work

7. Turn a blind eye: Ignore something or avoid something important

8. Offer a helping hand: Assist or help someone with something

Idioms  have the following advantages for your Cambridge  First Language English 0500 Paper:

1. Although idioms and phrases are not literal, they make the reading of a  text interesting.

2. Idioms and Phrases add a sophisticated native touch to your writing. 

3. Idioms and Phrases are hugely popular in newspaper editorials, articles, and reports and Cambridge IGCSE First Language English students should try using them as much as they can. 

4. Idioms and Phrases convey the meaning of certain ideas and opinions quite easily. 

5. They can take a normal conversation to a whole new level of either easy or complex comprehension.

6. Students who use more idioms and phrases in their writing show a higher familiarity with the English language.

7. They add creativity to your sentence structure and contribute to the sentence variety too. 

8. Depending on the context of the writing, they can make the language flowery and beautiful, hence raising the reader's interest. For example, rather than saying, 'My life has become easier after getting a job', you could write, 'My life has become a bed of roses after getting a job'. 

9. Using idioms and phrases make one a more confident writer. 

10. Idioms and Phrases add more flavour, meaning and expression to your writing. 

So go ahead, break a leg😃 and add more idioms and expressions Do not forget to have a look at the little poster below for newspaper idioms and phrases for your Cambridge IGCSE 0500 First Language English exam. 
